Contract Delegations
Delegee | Department/Unit | Summary |
Ruther, Marva | Office of Sponsored Programs Administration |
Authorized to sign all awards and post-award activities; see restrictions as noted in delegation memo. |
Ruther, Marva | Office of Sponsored Programs Administration |
See attached delegation. |
Rummery, Sarah | Reiman Gardens |
Agreements for intermittent or short-term use of facilities and grounds; Agreements for exhibits to be shown at the Reiman Gardens; Agreements for instructors, speakers, lecturers, musicians, and others to speak or perform at events; Agreements with vendors to provide food and other supplies needed for events and for merchandise sold at the Reiman Gardens; Agreements for advertising or marketing; Agreements for creating and distributing publications; Agreements with the Iowa State University Foundation and donors for donations; Agreements with third parties to sponsor events and other items as long as such sponsorship will not violate the terms of any exclusive arrangement with another party; Agreements for the Reiman Gardens to participate in events held by others; Agreements to abide by certain horticultural requirements and restrictions with respect to plants and other items provided by third parties. See restrictions as noted in Delegation Memo. |
Rule, Renee | Reiman Gardens |
Authorized to sign agreements for intermittent or short-term use of facilities and grounds; agreements for exhibits to be shown at Reiman Gardens; agreements for instructors, speakers, lecturers, musicians, and others to speak or perfom at events; agreements with vendors to provide food and other supplies needed for events and for merchandise sold at Reiman Gardens; agreements for advertising or marketing; agreements for creating and distributing publications; agreements with the Iowa State University Foundation and donors for donations; agreements with third parties to sponsor events and other items as long as such sponsorship will not viloate the terms of any exclusive arrangement with another party; agreements for Reiman Gardens to participate in events held by others; agreements to avide by certain horticultural requirements and restrictions with respect to plants and other items provided by third parties. See restrictions as noted in delegation memo. |
Ross, Jeni | ISU Dining |
See attached memo. |
Rodekamp, Karen | ISU Dining |
See delegation memo. |
Robson, Kim | Office of Sponsored Programs Administration |
Authorized to sign all award and post-award activities; See restrictions as noted in delegation memo. |
Robinson, Daniel | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
Contracts and agreements relating to student service learning and internship placements outside of the university using forms approved by the Office of University Counsel and for which no funds are exchanged |
Roberts, Shona | Sponsored Programs Accounting |
Authorized to sign on behalf of ISU Certifications regarding expenditures, disbursements, cash receipts and similar matters relating to the financial post award administration of sponsored programs. See restrictions noted in delegation memo. |
Ritland, Raeann | Office of Research Ethics |
See attached memo. |
Rico-Gutierrez, Luis | Design Administration |
Contracts and agreements relating to student service learning and internship placements outside of the university using forms approved by the Office of University Counsel and for which no funds are exchanged. |
Richter, Nichole | Office of Sponsored Programs Administration |
Authorized to sign all proposals; see restrictions as noted in the Delegation Memo |
Rich, Andrea | Office of Sponsored Programs Administration |
Authorized to sign all proposals; see restrictions as noted in Delegation Memo. |
Reeves, Duane | Operations and Finance Division |
See delegation memo. |
Redling, Amanda | Office of Sponsored Programs Administration |
Authorized to sign all proposals; see restrictions as noted in the Delegation Memo |