View Contract Delegation

Contract Delegation
Delegee Name Jamie Pollard
Delegee Title Director
Department/Unit Athletics
Delegor Name Warren Madden
Delegor Title Senior Vice President for Business and Finance
Effective Date Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Redelegate No

Athletic trade-out sponsorship contracts;  Contracts for athletic competitions;  Agreements for intermittent or short-term use of facilities managed by the Department of Athletics;  Agreements for intermittent or short-term use of others' facilities; Agreements for lodging, ground transportation, and meals in connection with away games or in emergency situations; Supplemental agreements setting forth specific terms where such supplemental agreements: (a) are subject to a master agreement that has been reviewed and approved by the Purchasing Department; (b) state that the terms of the master
agreement shall control if the supplement agreements contain terms inconsistent with the master agreement; and (c) relate to transportation and meals; Agreements for the appearance of ISU's spirit squads and mascot at events and functions.  See restrictions as noted in Delegation Memo.

Memo View Delegation Memo (PDF)